My father was military, so I spent a good deal of my life living in different countries and traveling. I became a Christian on May 7th, 1971. I was 17 years old. This was during the course of the famed Jesus People revival and I was in my senior year of high school. I soon realized that my greatest joy was found serving the Lord. I devoured the Scriptures and began to share my faith and win souls for Christ. Our church began to be filled with young people that I had led to the Lord at school and on the streets. It was not long before my pastor recognized my knowledge and agility in the Word and began to ask me to take responsibility of Bible studies in the church.
I was contented with all that I was doing until some time in June of 1973. While sharing on the streets of San Jose, California, I clearly saw that I was unable to share Christ effectively with millions of people in this hemisphere because, at that time, my working knowledge of foreign languages was limited. This broke my heart and caused me to pray earnestly, with tears, that God would help me to become fluent in other languages. God has answered my prayers. Because of this prayer, the course and known purpose of my entire life changed.
After finishing my basic secular education (I was a school teacher for several years) I went on to study missions at International teams in Prospect Heights, IL, in preparation for a life on the mission field as a professional career missionary. I briefly continued my education through Trinity Evangelical Seminary and Christ’s Church Seminary in Canterbury, England. I recently completed my earned doctoral degree (D.Min.) through “La Universidad Cristiana Para Las Naciones” (Christian University for the Nations), a small private Christian university in Spain with equivalent accreditation in the United States ( USA School Code: 76587508) and graduate April 2008. I also have an honorary doctoral degree (D.D.).
Since our calling to the mission field I have established 18 churches in four different countries (all but one of them Spanish speaking congregations) and oversee several others in different nations. I have recorded five albums of contemporary Christian music in Spanish and have written a book and numerous articles for Christian periodicals also in Spanish.
I've been blessed to share the Word of God and song to thousands of people in countless church services, conferences, and universities in Spanish-speaking countries on both sides of the Atlantic.
My command of the Spanish language is considered by many to be perfect and in some Spanish-speaking countries is considered as native. I wrote my doctoral thesis in Spanish.
My lovely wife, Guillermina (a native of Mexico) and I were married November 6, 1976, and have four adult children and five grandchildren.
posted by Prince and Gina Parker @ 3:37 AM,